Past & Current Projects
Projects that 7Bear Software and founder Shimon Shore are working on or have worked on in the past include:
- AutoRun Architect - An AutoRun creation Utility
- The Canadian Encyclopedia - CD-ROM based Multimedia Encyclopedia
- The Electronic Box Office - Online ticket management software
- Funk & Wagnalls Multimedia Encyclopedia - CD-ROM based Multimedia Encyclopedia
- Hand In Hand Productions - Wordpress based Web Site with eCommerce.
- Infopedia - CD-ROM based Multimedia Encyclopedia
- Jewish Mourning Guide - Wordpress based Web Site.
- Nextel Multimedia Suite - PC-based Media Management software
- The Place - Wordpress based Web Site.
- Sprint Media Manager - PC-based Media Management software
- UpTime - Early Fault Detection Software for electricity generation power plants
- Versabook - eBook reading and search software
- Yahrzeit Calculator - Online calculation of Yahrzeit date based on date of passing